Institutional actors & bodies

The ResearchLab New Social Housing is coordinated by a Curatorial Team responsible for proposing the thematic focus, designing the programme and selecting the participants.
For every Summer School a Faculty consisting of internationally renowned scholars in diverse fields and disciplines is nominated.
The members of the faculty commit themselves to commenting on the submitted thesis projects as well as to active participation in the organisation of the Summer School – by holding a talk, by participating in a round table, by organizing a workshop and/or by carrying out Fieldwork. The faculty members hold expertise in all relevant fields of housing research (urban development and regeneration, community organising, architecture and housing construction, land policy and land management, spatial planning, sociology, real estate and project development, etc.).
An international Advisory Board supports the design and organization of the Summer School.


Simon Güntner (TU Wien)
is professor of Spatial Sociology at the TU Wien. His main areas of research include poverty, migration and urban development. He has been involved in various European research projects and city networks focusing on issues such as urban regeneration, participation, housing policies and social services.

Christoph Reinprecht (University of Vienna)
is professor of Sociology at the University of Vienna and associated researcher at the Center of Housing Research in Paris. His main research interests are in in the area of migration and urban sociology, housing, social inequality. He is co-coordinator of the the ENHR-working group ‘Social Housing and Globalisation’.

Rudolf Scheuvens (TU Wien)
is professor of Local Spatial Planning and Urban Development Planning at the TU Wien and dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning. In 2014 he founded the future.lab, a platform for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary projects in teaching and research. His work and research focuses on the areas of control and design of complex urban development processes.


Massimo Bricocoli (Politecnico di Milano)
is Professor of Planning and Urban Policies at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies at Politecnico di Milano. His research focus is on: Urban regeneration policies, Housing policies and projects, Social change patterns and the restructuring of local welfare policies, Qualitative and ethnographical approaches to urban research.

Hulya Ertas (KU Leuven)
is editor-in-chief XXI architecture and design magazine. She has graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Department of Architecture. Currently enrolled as a PhD candidate at Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Brussels/Ghent, KU Leuven, her research focuses on architecture of the commons, the social reflections of spatial practices and grounded criticism of these.

David Madden (London School of Economics)
is Associate Professor in Sociology and Co-Director of the Cities Programme. His research interests include housing, public space, urban restructuring, and critical urban theory.
He has conducted research in New York City and London and is co-author, with Peter Marcuse, of In Defense of Housing: The politics of crisis (Verso, 2016).

Iván Tosics (Metropolitan Research Institute Budapest)
is one of the principals of Metropolitan Research Institute (MRI), Budapest. He is a mathematician and a sociologist (PhD) with long experience in urban sociology, strategic development, housing policy and EU regional policy issues.


Christiane Feuerstein (Architect, Vienna)
Gabu Heindl
(Architect & Urbanist, Vienna)
Elisabeth Hammer (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe, Vienna)
Freek Spinnewijn (Director of Feantsa, Brussels)

This list will be extended up to six distinguished local and international experts in total.

IBA Advisory Board

Wolfgang Förster (IBA_Wien)
Kurt Hofstetter (IBA_Wien)
Margrit Hugentobler (ETH Zürich)
Kunibert Wachten (RWTH-Aachen)